Hot gay cartoon porn free videos

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In 2016, Pornhub recognised that the genre was having a phenomenal growth on their platform - over 80% increase in searches compared to 2013. Roughly, 80% of those searches are made from mobile devices and over half of those horny cartoon lovers are between 18 and 34 years old. In 2020, cartoon porn is one of the favorite categories in the porn industry and it is here to stay.Ĭartoon porn comics or videos are searched for around 823,000 times per month in the United States alone. The tables have turned big-time since then. Who would like to touch themselves watching The Simpsons anyway? That is why the internet is obsessed with cartoon porn.īack in the day, cartoon porn videos and comics were a small niche reserved for the loners.

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Those things that appear forbidden or too fantastic to become reality are the things we crave the most, at least sexually.

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